MRI Sequences

Sequence Abbreviation & Full Name AKA (Vendor Variations) Dominant Weighting Used For Explanation
TFE (Turbo Field Echo) TFE (Philips), GRE (GE), FLASH (Siemens) T1-weighted Contrast-enhanced liver, dynamic contrast-enhanced imaging, angiography Gradient echo sequence with short TR and high flip angles emphasizing T1 contrast for dynamic contrast imaging.
THRIVE (T1 High-Resolution Isotropic Volume Examination) THRIVE (Philips), VIBE (Siemens), LAVA (GE) T1-weighted Contrast-enhanced body MRI, dynamic liver imaging, breast MRI Fat-suppressed, T1-weighted with isotropic resolution, ideal for dynamic contrast enhancement.
TFF Pre SENSE (Turbo Field Echo with Parallel Imaging) TFE (Philips), GRE (GE), FLASH (Siemens) T1-weighted Contrast-enhanced dynamic studies, MR angiography Gradient echo with parallel imaging (SENSE) for faster T1 contrast-enhanced studies.
bTFE (Balanced Turbo Field Echo) TrueFISP (Siemens), FIESTA (GE), Balanced FFE (Philips) Mixed T1/T2 Cardiac imaging, CNS imaging, abdominal imaging Balanced SSFP with both T1 and T2 contrast but T2-dominant, ideal for fluid contrast and dynamic cardiac imaging.
SS-TSE (Single Shot Turbo Spin Echo) HASTE (Siemens), SSFSE (GE), SSTSE (Philips) T2-weighted Abdominal and pelvic imaging, fluid detection T2-weighted single-shot turbo spin echo, useful for fluid detection and motion-sensitive areas.
SSTSE TE 80 RT SENSE (Single Shot Turbo Spin Echo with TE 80 and Respiratory Triggering) SSTSE (Philips), HASTE (Siemens), SSFSE (GE) T2-weighted Fluid-sensitive abdominal and pelvic imaging T2-weighted with a long TE emphasizing fluid contrast, RT (Respiratory Triggering) for reducing motion artifacts.
TFE cor Dyn eFB SENSE (Turbo Field Echo Dynamic Enhanced Free Breathing with Parallel Imaging) TFE (Philips), LAVA Flex (GE), VIBE (Siemens) T1-weighted Dynamic contrast studies, liver and abdominal imaging T1-weighted dynamic contrast imaging with free-breathing capability and parallel imaging (SENSE).
T2 TSE (Turbo Spin Echo) TSE (Philips), FSE (GE), TSE (Siemens) T2-weighted Soft tissue contrast, chest imaging, abdominal imaging T2-weighted turbo spin echo ideal for soft tissue contrast in chest and body MRI.
STIR (Short Tau Inversion Recovery) STIR (Philips, Siemens, GE) T2-weighted with Fat Suppression Edema detection, musculoskeletal, body imaging T2-weighted inversion recovery sequence for fluid-sensitive imaging with fat suppression.
DIR (Double Inversion Recovery) DIR (Philips, Siemens, GE) T2-weighted with Fat & Blood Suppression Myocardial edema, black-blood cardiac imaging Double inversion pulse to suppress both fat and blood signal, enhancing tissue contrast.
PSIR (Phase-Sensitive Inversion Recovery) PSIR (Philips, Siemens, GE) T1-weighted Inversion Recovery Myocardial infarct imaging, late gadolinium enhancement T1-weighted sequence highlighting delayed enhancement for scar and fibrosis detection.
DWI (Diffusion-Weighted Imaging) DWI (Philips, Siemens, GE) Diffusion (T2-based) Tumor detection, infection, body MRI Sensitive to water diffusion abnormalities, commonly used in oncology and infection imaging.
DCE-MRI (Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI) DCE-MRI (Philips, Siemens, GE) T1-weighted (Post-contrast) Perfusion studies, breast and liver imaging Dynamic imaging post-contrast to assess perfusion patterns.
PC-MRI (Phase Contrast MRI) PC-MRI (Philips, Siemens, GE) Flow-sensitive (Velocity Imaging) Cardiac flow assessment, aortic and valvular flow Flow-sensitive imaging for quantifying blood velocity and flow direction.
4D Flow MRI 4D Flow (Philips, Siemens, GE) Velocity-sensitive with T2 contrast Comprehensive cardiac flow mapping, aorta imaging Captures multidirectional blood flow patterns, useful in complex cardiovascular cases.
LAVA (Liver Acquisition with Volume Acceleration) LAVA (GE), THRIVE (Philips), VIBE (Siemens) T1-weighted Liver contrast-enhanced imaging High-resolution T1-weighted sequence with fat suppression for dynamic liver studies.

Key Summary:

  • T1-weighted sequences: Primarily for contrast-enhanced studies, anatomy visualization, and post-contrast imaging.
  • T2-weighted sequences: Primarily for fluid detection, edema, and pathology.
  • Mixed/SSFP: Balanced contrast for fluid and tissue differentiation, often used in cardiac imaging.
  • Specialized: Phase contrast (PC-MRI), Diffusion (DWI), and Flow Imaging (4D Flow) for functional assessments.